This project required creating visual branding and applying it to websites, social media pages, mass email correspondence, and coordinating with news outlets and partner organizations. I brainstormed with the lead pastor to design a very "San Antonio" logo that pulls in the iconic skyline as well as the quatrefoil found on the missions throughout the area. The visual branding guides for the church, individual teams within the campaign, and outside partners were shared liberally for continuity in all publications and correspondence.

This campaign was already in the works prior to COVID, but it took on a new meaning as San Antonio reeled from the effects of the lockdown and the social unrest of the riots after George Floyd. We were able to coordinate relief in many of the areas of need that had already been identified to help the city survive and begin to heal. Capturing this time and sharing the hope this ministry continues to bring to the city is one of my proudest design partnerships.

Mobile wallpapers for each team

Social Media Updates

Social Media Updates from Events