Working at each step in the capital campaign process, from high donor invitations and gifts to general member pledge cards and then to public events and advertising, provided the opportunity to tailor content to specific audiences and successfully raise the initial funds from lead donors as well as having final budgets fully pledged.

Information booklet for donor meetings

Thank You Cards for Donor Event Attendees

Integration of Campaign imagery across all regular print publications

Highway Billboard

Construction Site Branding

Main Logo and Design Concept for North Campus Campaign

Simplified the Logo for additional publications

Drone Photo of Construction Site - photo Jacob Moore
Screen presentation graphics to coordinate with the capital campaign. Integrated the "fractal" design with photos of the area where the new campus was to be located. Photos were taken by one of our on staff photographers and I incorporated the photos into digital and print collateral for the presentations accompanying the overall fundraising campaign.

Weekly adaptation with local imagery - photo Jacob Moore

Weekly adaptation with local imagery - photo Jacob Moore

Weekly adaptation with local imagery - photo Jacob Moore

Weekly adaptation with local imagery - photo Jacob Moore

Weekly adaptation with local imagery - photo Jacob Moore
Imagery from the GO Campaign was integrated into the preliminary branding of the new campus to provide visual continuity and solidify the more modern feel for the younger audience residing in that portion of the city. The original campus' imagery continued to be focused around reds, burgundy, and curves over the more modern blues and straight lines.

Campaign graphics adapted for campus advertising